Andrei Lopatenko home page
DAML Resource Guide
Guide to Metadata
for Science and Research
Informational Retrieval for Science
RDF Transformations
RDF Query Facility
Web for AURIS-MM
Topics of interest:
Semantic Web for AURIS-MM
Austrian Research
Information System:
Research information in any science or technology area
is scattered among a number of heterogeneous information system.
In Austria only each university has own information system for research data,
there also information system for non-university research, Innovation Relay
Centers have own information systems.
But usually researchers' or policy-makers' demands for
research information is not limited to only information stored in any one the
systems. There is a strong need to gather information according request, when it
possible, from all sources with relevant data, or to point researcher to systems
where information can be found.
When the request is answered, it maybe be very
important to know if the received research information is actual and complete.
The answers on questions like "Does the null answer of CRIS on my request
mean that there are no such research in Austria or it may be produces
just due to incomplete information in Austrian CRIS" may mean a lot
to researchers and other users of CRIS.
Time |
Deliverables |
Commentary |
1 May 2001 |
for CERIF-2000 (first release) |
The RDF schema for research
information based on CERIF-2000. This schema is obsolete now. See the
newest RDF schema |
10 May 2001 |
Lopatenko A.,"The XML/RDF encoding
schemes for CERIF. Application profiles for scientific
metadata", 9th EuroCRIS platform meeting, Amsterdam, May 2001,
ppt |
The presentation at EuroCRIS
9th platform meeting. |
31 May 2001 |
The first prototype of CERIF-2000 information
system with RDF-generating facilities. Web access for browsing and
inputting information about persons, projects, organizations.
The prototype of information system.
The short description of
the prototype. |
20th June 2001 |
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines for Current Research Information
Systems (CRIS) and Web content developers of research relevant
information at the universities and research institutions",
part of 2nd Interim Report, TUWIEN, June 2001 |
Guidelines to help owners and
developers of CRIS publish their information in RDF, according to the
proposed RDF-Schema.
Such RDF publishing is important for collecting of research data
among CRIS and organizing Semantic Web solution |
6 July 2001 |
for research information based on CERIF-2000.
The prototype
of the expression of KA2 Ontobroker's project ontology terms in
CERIF-2000 ontology to make possible integration into AURIS-MM and
CERIF-2000 based CRIS KA2-like CRIS .
The second
version of RDF Schema for CERIF |
Ontology Inference Layer documents.
RDF Schema document in RDF Schema by W3 and OIL+RDFS notation.
Web presentations of the ontologies |
9 July 2001 |
CERIF-2000 database for Oracle without error
in database creation and usage stages |
Database DDL file, database schema |
11 July 2001 |
CERIF-2000 complete set of ER-diagrams
in Oracle Designer 6iRel4 |
Oracle Designer 6i Entity Relationship
diagrams to help in CERIF-2000 implementation. |
13 July 2001 |
The second prototype of CERIF-2000
information system with RDF-generating facilities. The new prototype has
more error-proof services for data inputting, and more services
for data navigation (ordering and grouping of the lists of the objects
added )
The prototype of the information system |
17 July 2001 |
The next version of the vocabulary managing
and controlling application is issued.
The application is a web program developed for Active Server Pages
(MS IIS), vocabulary content can be stored in any ANSI SQL
database (currently used Oracle 8.1.7)
The software intended for
management of vocabulary content,
development of vocabulary as a set of term, which
maybe hierarchically organized and related with terms from other
vocabularies (relations of equivalence, narrower/broader term, close are
The most CERIF vocabularies are loaded (ISIC, IPC
partly, Ortelius, ISO3166, ISO 639, ISCED, ISCO0-88, CEROF orgunit
sizes) |
22 July 2001 |
The description
of Math-Net and DublinCore metadata set elements in CERIF-RDFS terms.
Terms mapping is provided as axioms, class/slot relations in Oil
language. |
The Oil ontology. The
intentions behind ontology development described at Metadata
for Research |
8 August 2001 |
The new version of ontology for CERIF-2000
provided. The new version includes a number terms for describing
researchers, events, organizations. Also relationships between some
CERIF-2000 terms and Dublin Core and Math-Net are described.
HTML description |
The Oil and DAML
ontology. |
15 October
2001 |
The errors in CRIS checked and corrected.
New release with advanced information search, multimedia elements and site
descriptions issued. Introduction |
22 October
2001 |
RDF metadata creation, registering,
collecting, querying facilities tested.
Show case |
The internal documentation which are important for the project development,
maybe reused in other projects, but which were not officially published
- AURIS-MM Introduction
- Comparison of CERIF-2000 and Salzburg University research
information system schemas doc,
- Comparison of CERIF-2000 and AURIS (AUstrian Research
Information System) schemas
- Functional requirements (UML
Use Cases Scratch)
- Syndication
- Architecture
- Show Case "Collecting RDF
metadata about research"
Old AURIS database description
database description
AURIS-MM ER diagram
Loading data from old AURIS CSV files into AURIS-MM
- EuroCRIS 11 Platform Meeting discussions
- EU Project
- CERIFMetadata
- The
CERIF-2000 and Vocabularies
Metadata Schema for CERIF-2000
Implementation Guidelines
Multimedia elements
- Entity Relationship Model for Multimedia
- Oracle Designer Report for ER diagram for Multimedia
Description of multimedia entities, attributes and relationships
- Database Schema for multimedia.
Tables (SQL DDL file)
- Graphical presentation of
multimedia classification (image, video, and multimedia
- types)
- RDF Schema for multimedia
- Visualization of RDF Schema for
multimedia by
- Visualization of RDF Schema for
multimedia by W3 RDF Validator
- Example of RDF description of
- Visualization of RDF example
- Classification and description multimedia. Ontology (0.1 version).
daml + oil,
- Graphical presentation of
multimedia classification (generated from DAML + OIL ontology by
- Plans. Finishing multimedia metadata update 19th October, upload (Marek
+ Andreas
- s, multimedia portal and access page 19 October)
- Multimedia creation in
AURIS-MM. Diagram
- The relevant to the project objectives publications written by the
participants of the project
Lopatenko, A. S., Serebrakov, V. A., Filipova, A. A.,
"Metadata usage in Digital Libraries for Research and Technology. Creating
and support of application profiles for science.", to appears in proceedings
of "Digital Libraries: Advanced Methods and Technologies, Digital
Collections", Sep. 2001, html(rus),
ps(rus), pdf(rus)
Lopatenko, A. S., Kulagin, M. V., "Current Research
Information Systems and Digital Libraries. Needs for integration", to
appears in proceedings of "Digital Libraries: Advanced Methods and
Technologies, Digital Collections", Sep. 2001, html(rus),
ps(rus), pdf(rs)
Lopatenko A. S. "Semantic
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines for Current Research Information
Systems (CRIS) and Web content developers of research relevant
information at the universities and research institutions",
part of 2nd Interim Report, TUWIEN, June 2001
Lopatenko A.,"The XML/RDF encoding schemes for
CERIF. Application profiles for scientific metadata", 9th
EuroCRIS platform meeting, Amsterdam, May 2001
Kulagin M. V., Lopatenko A. S. "Integration of
digital libraries with document management systems as example of data
integration application for object-oriented repositories."
Digital Libraries: advanced methods and technologies, electronic
collections", Protvino, Sep 2000
- The relevant to the project objectives publications
"User Needs for Research
Information", paper presented by Lieve Van Woensel, CORDIS, DG
XIII-D.4, European Commission, during the CRIS 98 Conference "CRIS
The way to innovation", 12-14 March 1998, Luxembourg.
of Good Practice for Current Research Information Systems",
a EuroCRIS report, January 1998, resulting from an initiative of the
European Commission DG XIII (CORDIS) and the European Platform
for Current Research Database Producers (EuroCRIS). Further
information on the EuroCRIS platform can be found on the Internet,
"Towards harmonization of
databases on research in progress Final report of the European
Working Group on Research Databases", November 1988. Published by
the Liaison Committee of Rectors Conferences of Member States of
the European Communities and Directorate General for Science, Research
and Development of the Commission of the European Communities;
financed by the Commission of the EC, contract PSS*0058/B, compiled by
Dr. L. Van Woensel.
"The proof of the pudding is in the eating
Ways and means to secure the participation of researchers when
documenting R&D at institutional level.", Jostein H. Hauge,
University of Bergen Norway, March 1998
Adamczak, W., The future of CRIS: a
"LINK" system, CRIS98, Luxembourg, 12th-14th March 1998, (
Kalinichenko L.A., Briukhov D.O., Skvortsov N.A.,
Zakharov V.N., Infrastructure of the subject mediating environment
aiming at semantic interoperability of heterogeneous digital library
collections, "Электронные
Amit PPP. Sheth and James A. Larson. Federated
database systems for managing distributed, heterogeneous, and autonomous
databases. ACM Computing Surveys, 22(3), September 1990.
Kashyap and Amit Sheth. Semantic and Schematic Similarities between Databases
Objects: A Context-based Approach. The VLDB Journal, 5(4), October 1996.
Sorry. There are too many relevant to different
topics of the project publications. They'll be published latter in a
portal "Global Information systems." in a classified and easy for
access way
Research information in any science or technology area
is scattered among a number of heterogeneous information system.
In Austria only each university has own information system for research data,
there also information system for non-university research, Innovation Relay
Centers have own information systems.
But usually researchers' or policy-makers' demands for
research information is not limited to only information stored in any one the
systems. There is a strong need to gather information according request, when it
possible, from all sources with relevant data, or to point researcher to systems
where information can be found.
When the request is answered, it maybe be very
important to know if the received research information is actual and complete.
The answers on questions like "Does the null answer of CRIS on my request
mean that there are no such research in Austria or it may be produces
just due to incomplete information in Austrian CRIS" may mean a lot
to researchers and other users of CRIS.
The final objectives of the project are
- to develop
CRIS, compatible with
CERIF-2000, which can be installed in any university or other
organization unit to help university administration or researchers
to collect research data and to manage research data for their
own needs
- to develop Austrian information
infrastructure for data access to research data, which could provide
access to data in Austrian CRIS,
- to create toolset and guidelines
helping universities connect their data to AURIS-MM or any other
Semantic Web solution
- to collect Austrian research
information or to find out which part of research data can be
collected in one central CRIS
- to develop toolset for CRIS
development and Knowledge Management systems for Research
Information development
1 CERIF-2000 compatible
CRIS with facilities of
- publishing information about
research into web, searching, browsing web services
- inputting information about
research (results, organization units, personalities etc) by
researchers through the interactive web tools
- publishing information into
- loading information from RDF
- collecting information from
distributed RDF databases
2 Austrian information
infrastructure for data access to research data
- database - information
gateway - for collecting information about universities,
libraries web sites, researchers and project home pages,
information systems for research and other "information
channels". Providing access to information about
"information channels". Answering question where, which
information can be found in Austria.
- RDF Schema for publishing information
about research by universities
- guidelines and toolset helping
universities publish their data in RDF
- tools, agents for searching
distributed RDF database
- tools for converting data from old
CSV format, currently still used by Austrian universitites into RDF
- description of other used metadata
for research format, formal description of those formats,
mapping from them into AURIS-MM and including data described by
other metadata formats into AURIS-MM
General description of architecture
Fig 1. Query processing
Fig 2,3. Collecting metadata
Project Start Date: 01 May 2001
Rather old schedule, will be renewed
ID | Task_Name | Duration | Start_Date | Finish_Date | Predecessors | Resource_Names |
1 | | | | | | |
2 | Develop Auris-MM CRIS for Austria. In this system must be implemented | | | | | |
3 | storage services for all entities mentioned in
CERIF, such as persons, project, orgunit, patent, results, publication | | | | | |
4 | presentation services for all type of objects, mentioned early, it must present to the user information about entity and relations to other entities. Presentation services must support different level of abstractions, quantity of information user receive | | | | | |
5 | provide user navigation services for all entities, ability to go through relation between objects | | | | | |
6 | presentation services for organization structure of Austria universities and Austria research and education programmes | | | | | |
7 | search services for all types of entities. Search services should use both attribute and vocabulary description of the objects, should be provide full-text search options | | | | | |
8 | search services with base semantic abilities (vocabulary mapping and using related terms and equality relations in vocabularies) to improve access to information by users | | | | | |
9 | Austrian vocabularies for Austrian users and basec European vocabularies for European users, system should automatically map vocabulary information from Austrian vocabularies to European and reverse on request of user | | | | | |
10 | RDF/XML generation services for publishing data on researchers' pages and for data exchange with other systems, in
RDF/XML generation tools vocabulary mapping also must be implemented | | | | | |
11 | RDF file management facilities, which will provide suitable to users access to RDF files | | | | | |
12 | Data input services | | | | | |
13 | for manual entering of data by researcher and responsible persons through web forms (html), | | | | | |
14 | RDF descriptions of research information provided by Austrian and European institutions | | | | | |
15 | Security services for | | | | | |
16 | Restricting data access to confidential information | | | | | |
17 | Authorized input of information for assurance that data is correct and could be trusted | | | | | |
18 | Basic workflow services for implementing basic routines of information control by expert, information classifying by experts and so | | | | | |
19 | Notification services for delivering information to users, getting them know actual data | | | | | |
20 | RDF validation tools | | | | | |
21 | Semantic Web for AURIS-MM | | | | | |
22 | RDF exporting and importing tools | | | | | |
23 | RDF schema
(CERIF 2000) testing | | | | | |
24 | Ontology management | | | | | |
25 | RDF data management (publishing database contents to semantic web) | | | | | |
26 | Input on-line for main entities + other data like quipment will be tested with Redland tools | | | | | |
27 | specific internet search engibne for RDF | | | | | |
28 | guidelines to be used for integration with real sources (may Netherlands) - test! | | | | | |
29 | services for researchers how to publish information about web sites using RSS and register into
AURIS-MM (?) | | | | | |
30 | agents to collect this information and integrate into
AURIS-MM (?) | | | | | |
31 | | | | | | |
32 | Gather data from AURIS and Fodok into AURIS-MM | | | | | |
33 | To identify all potential information sources of Austria, their usefulness for
Auris-MM, value and actuality of their data | | | | | |
34 | To identify (semantically and
schematicaly) which information is stored in each information source, and to identify can it be integrated into
Auris-MM, and how it must presented and used in Auris-MM. | | | | | |
35 | To make semantic and schematic mapping from ER and database schema of each system and provide guidelines for integrating it into
Auris-MM | | | | | |
36 | To identify is it CERIF-RDF is enough for data exchange or specific Application profiles needed. | | | | | |
37 | To develop RDF data exchange solution for each system | | | | | |
38 | Establish first solution for data exchange between AURIS-MM and European Information systes | | | | | |
39 | Identify which profit such integration can give to Austrian and European users and how it should be promoted | | | | | |
40 | identify usefulness European data for
Auris-MM, their value and actuality | | | | | |
41 | identify (semantically and
schematicaly) which information is stored in that system, and identify how it be integrated into
Auris-MM, and how it must presented and used in Auris-MM. | | | | | |
42 | make semantic and schematic mapping from ER and database schema of each system and provide guidelines for integrating it into
Auris-MM | | | | | |
43 | identify is it CERIF-RDF is enough for data exchange or specific Application profiles needed. | | | | | |
44 | develop RDF data exchange solution | | | | | |
45 | Develop specific version of AURIS-MM system for Innovation area | | | | | |
46 | Identify needs of innovators, funding organizations, investors | | | | | |
47 | Develop system for innovation area | | | | | |
48 | Metasearching tools | | | | | |
49 | Identify how metasearching tools can use RDF description of information to provide semantic searching abilities to information seekers | | | | | |
50 | Write guidelines, and business proposal to researchers and university management describing benefits of using RDF descriptions and implementation of it | | | | | |
51 | | | | | | |
52 | Develop visual rendering of RDF data | | | | | |
- OilEd - a simple
ontology editor developed by Information Management Group of the
University of Manchester. OilEd allows the user to build ontologies
according Oil
(Ontology Inference Layer) specification and generate Oil, Oil-RDFS,
DAML+ OIL files for built ontologies.
- The FaCT System
- a Description Logic classifier, developed by Ian
Horrocks, Department of Computer Science, the University of
Manchester . The FaCT system includes two reasoners, for the
logic SHF, and for the logic SHIQ
Crawler - application, developed by Ontobroker
team, for crawling the web and collecting RDF descriptions
published on the web.
- Jena -
java API for manipulating RDF
models, developed by Brian
McBride and Jeremy Carroll, HP
Labs. Also
(Another RDF Parser) which is developed by Jeremy Carrol, HP Labs
- SWI-Prolog
- open-source Prolog system with support for RDF and RDF Schema (SGML/HTML/XML/RDF
package, JPL -
Java Interface to Prolog). SWI-Prolog is beeing used as an inference
- Squish -
an SQL-like query language, developed by Libby Miller, ILRT,
University of Bristol, UK, for RDF talking to a back-end SQL
database or in-memory model of RDF.
- Xerces and Xalan - a set
of tools for paring, generating XML, and transforming XML using XSLT.
- etc.
- Useful links about
metadata for research and technology
RDF Site Summary definition of the project's page in RDF
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