DAML Resource Guide
Guide to Metadata
for Science and Research
Informational Retrieval for Science
RDF Transformations
RDF Query Facility
Web for AURIS-MM
Topics of interest:
RDF Transformations
Sorry, in construction...
RDF To RDF Transformation
Current implementation Transformation: extended CWM (Common Warehouse Model). Step-by-step
transformations, classes to classes mapping, properties to properties mapping,
changing structure of data, mapping of domain values.
how to export/import you data
- If transformation is multi-step operation, specify steps
- For each step specify
- which classes are mapped to each classes (possible not only 1-1
but m-n mapping, when several outcome objects are defined by several
income objects) and conditions of class mappings
- which properties to which properties (and classes for complex
transformation - example, for each value of property author in
data source create new object of class, condition - should be created
only one object of class author for each unique lastname +
firstname in data source)
- specify domain mapping (vocabulary transformations or computable
transformations - example, map ACM thesaurus to
OSTAT (Austrian)) currently only defined database mapping (as in CWM)
- specify which data from previous steps used and how (example -
data driven transformation, number of loaded data or sum defines the
next steps, or ID of newly created object can be used for referenceby
other objects, in new RDF database, reification. )
- Specify how data transferred between steps
- Specify error handling
- Run
Graph transformations
Language to describe graph transformations
What is about semantic information?
RDF to relation and hierarchical models
Links (RDF transformation , querying, ontology mapping integration
- still not classified, not complete list )
KAON - toolset from
Karlsruhe University includes RDBMS to RDF transformation toolset (REVERSE).
RDF-QEL -> SQL Mapping (RDF Queries to SQL queries)
QL'98 - The Query Languages Workshop
Transformation Units - A Structuring Principle for Graph Transformation
Systems.(Dr. Thesis. Sabine Kuske)
ICOM project tools
for Intelligent Conceptual Modelling
RDF Transformations -
toolkit, ontology nased approach Vrije
Division of Mathematics and Computer Science.
Ontology of Integration and Integration of Ontologies,Diego
Giuseppe De Giacomo, and
Maurizio Lenzerini,. 2001 Description Logic Workshop (DL 2001)",
Querying and Transforming RDF Stefan Kokkelink
Transforming RDF with RDFPath
- A
Query Service for RDF, Stefan Decker (University of Karlsruhe), et
all, QL 98
Bremer Semantic Translation project.
Stanford Scalable Knowledge Composition (SKC) project
Framework for ontology
Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Maurizio Lenzerini
- Description Logic
Framework for Information Integration
- Journal of Digital information,
volume 1 issue 8
Semantic Problems of Thesaurus Mapping
Martin Doerr
- Query +
Metadata + Logic = Metalog, Massimo Marchiori, Janne Saarela, QL 98
- Bernstein, P.A., A.Y. Levy, R.A.
Pottinger, "A Vision for Management of Complex Models," Microsoft
Research Technical Report MSR-TR-2000-53, June 2000,
PDF, 179KB (short version in
Record 29, 4 (Dec. '00)).
- Sesame Query
Language Definition On-To-Knowledge project deliverable 9, 2001
Querying Community Web Portals (PDF
version) ICS-FORTH Technical report, 2000
Home Page Graph Rewriting Programming Language
- Graph Transformation
Units And Modules - Aim
- Graph
Transformation Units with Interleaving Semantics
- Transforming RDF
with XSLT, Dan Connolly
- Graph
Transformation Modules and their Composition - Frank Drewes, et all
- Hartmut Ehrig, Manfred Nagl, and Grzegorz Rozenberg, editors. Proc.
Graph Grammars and Their Application to Computer Science, Lecture Notes
in Computer Science 153, 1983.
- Dactl: An
experimental graph rewriting language
- Using Graph
Transformation Techniques for Integrating Information from the WWW
- The
HyperView Approach to the Integration of Semistructured Data,
PDF format,
Lucas C. Faulstich PhD disser., Prolog graph transformation rules,
integration of semistructured data
APPLIGRAPH-Subgroup Meeting on Exchange Formats for Graph Transformation,
September 5 - 6, 2000.
RDF - DB Integration toolkit
The objective of the project is to develop software toolkit which
allows to integrate RDF data and relational databases.
The main type of toolkit operations:
- Exporting RDF from RDBMS (with possible transformation in structure,
vocabulary mapping)
- transforming RDF
- loading RDF into RDBMS (with possible transformation in structure,
vocabulary mapping).
Database: relational database, ANSI SQL 92 compatible, JDBC
Transformation: extended CWM (Common Warehouse Model). Step-by-step
transformations, table to class mapping, column to attribute mapping,
changing structure of data (RDF-DB extensions), mapping of domain values.
how to export/import you data
- If transformation is multi-step operation, specify steps
- For each step specify
- which classes are mapped to each tables
- which properties to which columns (and tables for complex
- specify domain mapping (vocabulary transformations or computable
- specify which data from previous steps used and how (example -
data driven transformation, number of loaded data or sum defines the
next steps, or triggers running in database, define values for foreign
key column referencing to main table )
- Specify how data transferred between steps (example, how to get
column value created by database trigger or calculate sum of attribute,
- Specify error handling
- Run
Implementation: Java 2
Simple demonstration of
publishing data from CERIF into RDF (without integration toolkit)