Web Knowledge Management, Semantic Web, DAML + OIL.

Reference list.                                             Collected by Andrei Lopatenko  

The first aim of this list is to be a concise guide to Semantic Web technology: from foundations to applications, the latest trends  in software developments projects.   This reference list is not a comprehensive reference, it is more reference list to comprehensive, complete or the most important resources.  More complete list is under development now and it itself is  a DAML application with reasoning support.


Coming soon in web and DAML form...

DAML site

Key DAML players



  1. J. F. Sowa "Guided Tour of Ontology"
  2. "Knowledge Representation" book by J. F. Sowa. I strongly recommend to read it
  3. A problem course in mathematical logic by Stefan Bilaniuk, freeware mathematic text
  4. Knowledge Representation site - links to key research teams, conferences
  5. Knowledge Engineering - lecture notes of D. Lukose
  6. Factasia Logic by R. B. Jones. A kind of deep encyclopedia in logic
  7. 38-pages tutorial on Mathematics and Logics by J. F. Sowa
  8. C. S. Pierce, American philosopher,  logician, geologist, ..., one of the most influential contributor to logician theory 1 2 3 4 5

Logical notations. Conceptual graphs and KIF.

  1. "Existensial graphs" by C. P. Peirce, commented by J. F. Sowa
  2. A world of Conceptual Graphs at University of Alabama
  3. Conceptual Graph standard - by J. F. Sowa
  4. CGWorld - web based workbench for joint distributed development of a large knowledge base
  5. KIF (Knowledge Interchange Format) - language designed for use in interchange of knowledge among disparate computer systems. A linear notation for logic with an easily parsed syntax. also 1, 2, RDF Schema expression 


Ontology development and use

  1. Methodology for ontology-driven conceptual analysis by
  2. Formal Ontology in Information systems, Guarino N, 1998
  3. Understanding, Building and Using Ontologies, van Hejist
  4. Formal Ontology, Conceptual analysis and Knowledge Representation, Guarino
  5. Ontology development-101: A Guide to Creating You First Ontology by Noy, N.F. and McGuinness, D.L
  6. Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) - formal methods for conceptual data analysis and knowledge processing. Introduction. Development of minimal concept lattices

Ontology Libraries

  1. Ontologies at DAML.org
  2. Ontologies at Computer Aided Knowledge Engineering (CAKE) Project


World-wide ontologies

Ontologies trying to describe a very large  sets of terms, close to all human knowledge

  1. Cyc. Formal ontology, covering a large set of terms with formal description of their meaning. 100 000 terms, over 1 000 000 axioms.  See DAML  expression of Cyc ontology Welcome to Cyc ontology

  2. EDR. Electronic Dictionary Research. Dictionary of over 400 000 concepts, with their mapping into English and Japan. Does not provide formal definition like Cyc. Not free

  3. WordNet - terminological ontology consisting of 166 000, words and word forms. Expressions in different forms are provided (Prolog, etc), very used for natural language processing. Free.

  4. EuroWordNet - terminological ontology for several European languages. The database structures in the same way as WordNet. Database is accessible to download and use, as well some tools

  5. Mapping of EuroWordNet into Upper Cyc  - the mapping between two ontologies.

Software Libraries

  1. DAML Tools catalog at DAML.org
  2. OilEd - ontology editor, integrated with FaCT Description Logic reasoner
  3. Protege-2000 - knowledge-base editing environment. Really not full compatible with Semantic Web, but some plug-ins are being developed to make compatible. See comparison RDF  with Protege-2000 model,  instruction how edit RDF
  4. Jena supports DAML parsing and provides DAML API with very simple reasoning. I am doing work to integrate it with FaCT DL reasoner, I'd strongly recommend to use Jena as SW tool 
  5. Ontobroker and UiK - a set of tools - crawler, F-Logic reasoner and query facility, OntoMat - visual ontology-driven creation of RDF 
  6. KAON - toolset for Semantic Web development. Metadata editing, ontology development, database reengineering, ontology learning, focused crawling

Technologies used in Semantic Web

  1. XML Signature  - to sign expressed in XML RDF statements, to recognize  author or prove authority of RDF statements. For development of trusted Semantic Web.
  2. XML Schema - to create datatypes for DAML ontologies. DAML defines to disjoint types of declarations - classes and datatypes.


Knowledge Creation/knowledge annotation





  1. Computer Aided Knowledge Engineering (CAKE) Project
  2. SWeLL - Semantic Web Logic Language - language, a part of DAML family - for expressing and transferring high-level logical statements (rules, axioms) and proofs. Proposal - integration of KR systems with web, Semantic Web approach, Dan Connoly's presentation
  3. An use of DAML + OIL: an ontology in the ophtalmology domain  Application of DAML + OIL for a heuristic application in the ophthalmology domain. In the article the real application of DAML + OIL to scientific application is shown

Experience shared (Applied DAML projects and their results)

  1. Lessons Learned - by SRI AI center. Case study of ontology development and knowledge annotation, which problems were met and how they were solved

Visual presentation of knowledge, ontologies, queries

  1. Project Starch - the problem of visual presentation of ontologies, thesauris was investigated. A set of tools is developed. Ontology-drivent interfaces are developed.
  2. PARKA - efficient for large sets of data Knowledge Representation system has  a set of tools for visual representation of knowledge. See picture. PIQ - Parka Interface for Queries allows users to create complex queries visually. PARKA is integrated with SHOE formats and toolset for Semantic Web. See also SHOE Knowledge Annotator (ontology-driven knowledge annotation interface) and SHOW Search - ontology driven search interface for casual users, work with PARKA

Knowledge acquisition

Knowledge markup

Reasoning for DAML

  1. Disparate Ontology Understanding
  2. Prolog approach (Horn's dis.)
  3. SHOE approach
  4. Description Logic approach
  5. Algernon approach
  6. KIF system approach
  7. F-Logic approach

Querying DAML knowledge bases

  1. Webscripter DARPA page
  2. Webscripter native page

DAML Services/ Service Discovery

  1. Knowledge Creation Tools for DAML. DARPA site

Model mapping

  1. Automatic tools for mapping between ontologies Yale-BBN-Kestrel project sponsored by DARPA  project page. Discovery bridging axioms between ontologies, finding and eliminating inconsistency due to faulty axions. Theory and  practical software.
  2. Automatical matching of schemas in databases - review and good  introduction Rahm, E., and P. A. Bernstein, "On Matching Schemas Automatically," Microsoft Research Technical Report MSR-TR-2001-17, Feb. 2001, PDF 200KB. (VLDB Journal, to appear)-
  3. Model mapping -  mathematic foundations  - start   point - Bernstein, P.A., A.Y. Levy, R.A. Pottinger, "A Vision for Management of Complex Models," Microsoft Research Technical Report MSR-TR-2000-53, June 2000, PDF, 179KB (short version in SIGMOD Record 29, 4 (Dec. '00)).


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