Andrei Lopatenko home page


DAML Resource Guide

Guide to Metadata for Science and Research 

Distributed Informational Retrieval for Science

RDF Transformations

Semantic Web for  AURIS-MM project


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Andrei Lopatenko 's publications, technical reports


Enhanced with SHOE

Presentation at EuroCRIS 11

Lopatenko A., National networks of science and technology information. Semantic Web based architecture for access to research and technology data, to appear in proceeding of EVA2001, Moscow (3-8 December 2001, Electronic Imaging & the Visual Arts, The Fourth International Conference )

Lopatenko A., "Information retrieval in Current Research Information Systems", position paper at the Workshop on Knowledge Markup and Semantic Annotation at K-CAP'2001, Oct. 21-23, 2001, pdf

In this paper the requirements for research information systems and problems which arise in the development of such system are described. Described which problems could be solved by using of knowledge markup technologies. Ontology for Research Information System offered. Architecture for collecting research data and providing access to it is described.  

Lopatenko A. S. "Current Research Information Systems. " Russian, English (automatic translation) pdf  ps

Review of Research Information System projects in Europe, US and other countries. Having analyzed lots of CRIS (42 articles of EuroCRIS conferences and others), author describes general CRIS applications, main technical requirements for CRIS, and implementation method for CRIS. Main metadata standards for Research and Technology also described in the article.

Lopatenko A. S., "Support of informational resources workflow and lifecycles in Digital Libraries." , to appears in proceedings of "Digital Libraries: Advanced Methods and Technologies, Digital Collections", Sep. 2001, thesis html(rus), ps(rus), pdf(rus)

Annotation: In the article authors published the short review of works in Digital Libraries area  for supporting lifecycles of information resources. From the experience in developing application modules for Integrated System of Information Resources of RAS and analyzing of other work in Digital Libraries basic demands for lifecycle support routines in Digital Libraries defined.  Due to high usage of such routines in different libraries, implementing of them as independent software module can make Digital Library development more easy and error-proof

Lopatenko, A. S., Kulagin, M. V., "Current Research Information Systems and Digital Libraries. Needs for  integration", to appears in proceedings of "Digital Libraries: Advanced Methods and Technologies, Digital Collections", Sep. 2001, html(rus), ps(rus), pdf(rs)

Annotation. In the article authors review the projects in Current Research Information System  (CRIS) in Europe and USA. From the research in CRIS, authors induced the list of the basic user demands for CRIS, the primary types of information resources and services for access to Research and Technology information. The main requirements to the information systems for R&T is suggested. Then the requirements to the CRIS is analyzed from the point of view of Digital Libraries community. Authors propose to use Digital Library technology for development CRIS solutions

Lopatenko, A. S., Serebrakov, V. A., Filipova, A. A., "Metadata usage in Digital Libraries for Research and Technology. Creating and support of application profiles for science.", to appears in proceedings of "Digital Libraries: Advanced Methods and Technologies, Digital Collections", Sep. 2001, html(rus), ps(rus), pdf(rus)

Requirements of researchers to access to R&D data in distributed independent  heterogeneous systems for science are analyzed. Based on researcher's  requirements demands for architecture of distributed Digital Libraries for R&D are defined.   The methods for development metadata schema for applications based on application profiles adopted for Research Information Systems and described in the article. The lacks of already used application profiles methods are shown by authors, and the method proposed in the article matches needs of developers of Digital  Libraries for science more then previously used. Authors propose the Semantic Web-based  solutions for development of national-wide architectures for access to  research data. Usage RDF for knowledge representation of R&D is proposed and illustrated. Extension of RSS (RDF Site Summary) for advanced syndication in R&D is submited.

Lopatenko A. S. "Semantic Web Content Accessibility Guidelines for Current Research Information Systems (CRIS) and Web content developers of research relevant information at the universities and research institutions", part of 2nd Interim Report, TUWIEN, June 2001 pdf, ps 

Lopatenko A.,"The XML/RDF encoding schemes for CERIF. Application profiles for scientific metadata", 9th EuroCRIS platform meeting, Amsterdam, May 2001, Presentation

ppt, pdf, ps, html

Bezdushnii A. N.,  Lopatenko A. S, Medenikov A, Serebrakov V. A., Filipova A. A. "Metadata in ISIR: Definition and Usage", EVA-2000, Moscow, Nov 2000

video (ru), text(html) (ru), pdf (ru), ps (ru), abstract: pdf(en), ps(en)

Kulagin M. V., Lopatenko A. S. "Integration of digital libraries with document management systems as example of data integration application  for object-oriented repositories."  Digital Libraries: advanced methods and technologies, electronic collections", Protvino, Sep 2000


M. V. Kulagin ,  A. S. Lopatenko
Integration of Document Management System for Scientific docflows with digital library of ISIR RAS, Jr "Information Society" ., 2, 2000

M. V. Kulagin ,  A. S. Lopatenko
"Data integration of documents of scientific secretaries and digital library for research ISIR RAS", "Information systems for science and education-2000", Voronegh

 M. V. Kulagin ,  A. S. Lopatenko
"Integration of Document Management System for Scientific docflows with digital library of ISIR RAS", conf. "Information society", Moscow 1999


EuroCRIS (European Current Research Information Systems) 11 Platform Meeting. 31 Oct - 2 Nov 2001. Rutherford-Appleton Laboratory. UK


  1. EU  Project  Proposal
  2. CERIFMetadata
  3. The CERIF-2000 and Vocabularies
  4. Metadata Schema for CERIF-2000
  5. CERIF Implementation Guidelines





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