Description ofа the AURIS-MM Information System

1 Aims

The aim of AURIS-MM is to provide access to research data of Austrian Universities. It was identified that the main points of interest are research projects, organization units and staff of Austrian Universities. The prototype of AURIS-MM provides navigation, presentation access to this kind of objects. The AURIS-MM prototype has data input services to enter information about staff, research projects and organization units.

2 Navigation panel

General navigation in the AURIS-MM prototype is provided by a navigation panel on the left of the page.

It includes


Browse service for the organizations units.

Clicking on this item opens a list of organizations with the ability to get detailed information about any organization unit or to find organizations which are managed by any organization unit.


Browse service for the projects.

Clicking on this itemа opens a list of the projects with the ability to get detailed information about project


Browse service for the staff of Austrian Universities.

Clicking on this item opens a list of the persons working at Austrian universities with the ability to get detailed information about any person.

Entering information: Organizations

Information input service to enter information about organizations.

Clicking on this item opens a page for entering information about the organization unit

Entering information: Projects

Information input service to enter information about projects.

Clicking on this item opens a page for entering information about project

Entering information: Persons

Information input service to enter information about persons.

Clicking on this item opens a page for entering information about persons

RSS Description

RDF Site Summary description of the site

RSS Presentation in Box

Presentation of AURIS-MM site in a box using RSS technologies





3 Browseа

3.1 Organization units

The AURIS-MM prototype provides a list of organization units classified by their type. Every organization unit can be found in the list of organization units.

Fig 1. List ofа organizations


Organizations in AURIS-MM can be organized hierarchically and in the AURIS-MM prototype the hierarchy of organizations can be browsed.


Clicking onа the button УplusФ left to the organization name opens a list of the organizations which are managed by this organization.

Fig 2. List of organizations, managed by the TUWIEN


To get detailed information about the organization, the organization title should be clicked. The organization unit description page will be opened.



The organization unit description is based on CERIF organization unit description.

It consists of three parts: general description of the organization unit and lists of other entities related to the organization unit.

General description consists of


Prizes. Awardsаа - semicolon separated list of prizes and awards given to organization

URL Ц URL of the homepages of organizations

Nameа - complete name of the organization on native language

Type Ц type of organization according to CERIF classification

Expertise skillsа - list of areas in which the organization has expertise.

Contacts Ц contact information of organization. Contact phones, email, faxes.


List of projects related to the organization unit

This lists includes all projects in which the organization unit takes part (organize, coordinate, fund).

In the list of related projects information about the title of the projects, status of the project and role of the organization in the project are published. So the user can immediately understand if this projects is actual and how it is related to organizations.

The page which contains a detailed description of the project can be opened by clicking on the title of the project.


List of persons related to organization unit

This lists includes all persons which are working for the organization unit.

In the list of related persons information about the role of the person in organization (occupation),а and the name of the person are published. This makes it easier for the user to find the person he is searching for.

The page which contains a detailed description of the person can be opened by clicking on the name of the person.


3.2 Projects


The AURIS-MM prototype provides a list of projects registered in the system. For each project, information about status of the project, its start date and its end date are provided so the user can immediately recognize which projects are actual, completed and executed.


Clicking on the title of the project opens a page which contains a complete description of the project.



The project description is based on CERIF project description.

It consists of three parts: a general description of the project and lists of other entities related to the project.

The general description consists of

Title Ц title of the project

Prizes. Awardsаа - semicolon separated list of prizes and awards given to project or its results

URL Ц URL of the homepage of the project

Abstractа - short description of the project

Status Ц status of the project, stage of its execution. The status is given according to CERIF vocabulary for the status of the project.

Start date Ц date of the beginning of the project

End date Ц date when the project is completed


List of organization units related to the project

This lists includes all organizations takingа part inа the project (organize, coordinate, fund).

In the list of related organization units information about the role of each organization in the project and its name is published. So the user can immediately understand the role of this organization in the project.

The page which contains a detailed description of the organization unit can be opened by clicking on the name of the organization.


List of persons related to project

This lists includes all persons which are related to project.

In the list of related persons information about the role of the person in the project (occupation), and the name of the person is published. This makes it easier for the user to find the person he is searching for.

The page which contains a detailed description of the person can be opened by clicking on the name of the person.


3.3 Person

The AURIS-MM prototype provides a list of persons registered in the system. For each person only information about his or her name is currently published.


Clicking on the name of the person opens a page which contains a complete description of the person.




The person description is based on CERIF person description.

It consists of three parts: general description of the person and lists of other entities related to the project.

General description consists of

First name Ц first name of the person

Last nameа - last name of the person

Prizes. Awardsаа - semicolon separated list of prizes and awards given to the person or its results

URL Ц URL of the homepage of the person

Nationality Ц country of citizenship of the person

Academic titles Ц academic titles of given person

Expertise areas Ц areas of research in which given person is expert

Contactsа - contact information (phones and email and faxes of the person)

List of organization units the person works in

This lists includes all organizations which the person works in.

In the list of related organization units information about the role (occupation) of the person in the organization and the name of the organization is published. So the user can immediately understand the role of this organization in the project.

The page which contains a detailed description of the organization unit can be opened by clicking on the name of the organization.


List of persons related to project

This lists includes all persons which are related to project.

In the list of related persons information about the role of the person in the project (occupation), and the name of the person is published. This makes it easier for theа user to find the person he is searching for.

The page which contains a detailed description of the person can be opened by clicking on the name of the person.



4 Entering information

4.1 Enter information about organization unit


The AURIS-MM organization unit input page is to enter information about organization pages

General description of organization unit can be entered here. The next information can be provided:


Prizes. Awardsаа - semicolon separated list of prizes and awards given to organization

URL Ц URL of the homepages of organizations

Nameа - complete name of the organization on native language

Type Ц type of organization according to CERIF classification

Expertise skillsа - list of areas in which the organization has expertise.

Contacts Ц contact information of organization. Contact phones, email, faxes.

After saving information becomes accessible to public access in AURIS-MM


4.2 Enter information about project

The AURIS-MM project input page is to enter information about projects

General description of project can be entered here. The next information can be provided:

Title Ц title of the project

Prizes. Awardsа а- semicolon separated list of prizes and awards given to project or its results

URL Ц URL of the homepage of the project

Abstractа - short description of the project

Status Ц status of the project, stage of its execution. The status is given according to CERIF vocabulary for the status of the project.

Start date Ц date of the beginning of the project

End date Ц date when the project is completed

After saving information becomes accessible to public access in AURIS-MM


4.3 Enter information about person



The AURIS-MM person input page is to enter information about persons

General description of person can be entered here. The next information can be provided:

First name Ц first name of the person

Last nameа - last name of the person

Prizes. Awardsаа - semicolon separated list of prizes and awards given to the person or its results

URL Ц URL of the homepage of the person

Nationality Ц country of citizenship of the person

Academic titles Ц academic titles of given person

Expertise areas Ц areas of research in which given person is expert

Contactsа - contact information (phones and email and faxes of the person)

After saving information becomes accessible to public access in AURIS-MM



5 Semantic Web in AURIS-MM


5.1 RDF publishing

The one of the main aims of the AURIS-MM project is to develop Semantic Web based CRIS. To achieve this goal it is needed to develop RDF Schema for Research and provide RDF publishing facilities for CRIS data

RDF Schema for CRIS based on CERIF was developed. Description and guidelines how to sue it can be found at

AURIS-MM provided RDF publishing services. To get RDF description of organization and related resourcesа it is needed to click УPrint RDFУ in organization list page opposite give information name

5.2 RSS in a box

There is RSS file describing AURIS-MM site provided. It contains RDF Site Summary description of AURIS-MM site and related resources and can be viewed using any RSS viewer, as example RSS Viewer of Redland. To get RSS presentation of site, it is needed only to click RSS Presentation in Box in left panel of AURIS-MM

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