Show case "Collecting research data described in RDF" short description

We developed CERIF-2000 ontology expressed in DAML + OIL ( language for research data.

DAML + Oil  Ontology for CERIF + DublinCore and Math-Net metadata set

The ontology is vocabulary to describe such objects as projects, persons, organizations, results, publications, equipment, their attributes and relations between them. Having vocabulary, data can be described in RDF with defined semantic and we can use that data to answer for users' requests, load into database, etc

Show case step-by-step description 

Step 1. The researcher uses OntoMat and CERIF-2000 ontology to describe data about
himself and his projects, publications.
Researcher opens OntoMat, then load ontology which specify which entities, which
attributes and relations he can describe. Then using own html pages (example:, drag
and drop capabilities of OntoMat and inputting data manually, the researchers creates metadata describing research.  To create metadata, for each entity  one creates object of known class (hierarchy of classes from ontology is visualized by OntoMat), and fill in attribute values, then defines relations with other objects.
The researcher save new page with metadata embedded into the disk from OntoMat (OntoMat can savenew page which is copy of loaded with embedded RDF metadata) . And then copy it into public-accessible web site
Step 2. To make data known for AURIS-MM, the researcher register page in the AURIS-MM Research Agent facility. One uses page/site registration form to do ir.   Researcher only registers url of the html or rdf page, or provide additional descriptions to determine context of data.
Step 3 AURIS-MM agent (now based on RDF Crawler) visits page and and pages referenced by it, get RDF metadata, load
them into AURIS-MM RDF datastore. So, finally one datastore (currently file) is created which contains all metadata collected by agent.
Step 4. Information seeker use AURIS-MM Query interface to find data about
researcher or project/publication. Searching information, he loads ontology
which provides vocabularies for search forms and search interfaces. Search interface understand class relations  (in future other semantic expressing a.) in search. AURIS-MM search agent  use Jena toolkit to parse RDF, DAML ontologies, investigate semantic relations and query data (RDQL)

 Also very little report capabilities should be demonstrated (like ...
 many report in such area in a last month)

 5 Someone annotated research data/page with additional information. It
 be done in AURIS-MM directly or in tools like Amaya
 6 One register his nnotation in AURIS-MM
 7 Information seeker when find data can ask for annotations
   Information seeker cans earch annotation or use them in information

 Show case 2
 The same as 1-4 of previous but
 University has own vocabulary for publications. If example, AURIS-MM use
 CERIF-2000 (based on MARC), but university has also "Professor work" type
 University would like to publish that information into AURIS-MM but
 lossing of information
 So University pubslishes also some DAML statements describing that
 degree is a subtype of ... (we should define what is it in CERIF) maybe
 Every user which do not know about this Austrian specific publication can
 search this publications as a dissertation
 but on his request he can get more detailed description of the publication

 Used technologies and tools
   OntoEdit, Protege-2000, OilEd, FaCT as ontology development tools and
 maintaners (should be finally choosed the best set)
   RDF Crawler to collect published RDF and create database
   HPL Jena as a parser and query facilit for RDF (and Sesame?)
   Might be some Prolog enhancement for querying

  OntoMat to annotate data about research
  AURIS-MM registration form
  AURIS-MM annotation page to annotate others research
  AURIS-MM search form to search information
  AURIS-MM report form to get simple reports

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