Server Generator, Fri Jul 06 10:28:41 2001 Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1995, 2001. All rights reserved. CDS-18010 Error: A Check Constraint and a Check Constraint with the same name 'CKC_EQUIP_ID_EQUIPMEN' have been asked to be created CDS-18025 Error: Table 'EQUIPMENT_DESCRIPTION' will not be created as Check Constraint 'CKC_EQUIP_ID_EQUIPMEN' is not created CDS-18010 Error: A Check Constraint and a Check Constraint with the same name 'CKC_SERVICE_TRANS_TYP_SERVICE_' have been asked to be created CDS-18025 Error: Table 'SERVICE_DESCRIPTION' will not be created as Check Constraint 'CKC_SERVICE_TRANS_TYP_SERVICE_' is not created CDS-15017 Warning: Column 'CV_ID' is inconsistent with foreign column 'CV_ID' - in foreign key 'FK_CV_MULTI_CV_MULTIM_CV' of table 'CV_MULTIMEDIA_TYPE' CDS-15017 Warning: Column 'CV_ID' is inconsistent with foreign column 'CV_ID' - in foreign key 'FK_PERS_CV_PERS_CV2_CV' of table 'PERS_CV' CDS-15014 Error: invalid Table reference ('SERVICE_DESCRIPTION') in Foreign Key 'FK_SERVICE__SER_SER_D_SERVICE' CDS-15017 Warning: Column 'COUNTRY_CODE' is inconsistent with foreign column 'COUNTRY_CODE' - in foreign key 'FK_CONTACT_COUNTRY_C_COUNTRY' of table 'CONTACT' CDS-15017 Warning: Column 'PER_EQUIP_ROLE' is inconsistent with foreign column 'PER_EQUIP_ROLE' - in foreign key 'FK_PERS_EQU_REF_71467_PER_EQUI' of table 'PERS_EQUIP' CDS-15017 Warning: Column 'PER_EVENT_ROLE' is inconsistent with foreign column 'PER_EVENT_ROLE' - in foreign key 'FK_PERS_EVE_REF_71473_PER_EVEN' of table 'PERS_EVENT' CDS-15014 Error: invalid Table reference ('EQUIPMENT_DESCRIPTION') in Foreign Key 'FK_EQUIPMEN_EUIP_TRAN_PARTICUL' CDS-15017 Warning: Column 'PRO_PROJ_ID' is inconsistent with foreign column 'PROJ_ID' - in foreign key 'FK_PROJ_REC_RECURSIVE_PROJECT' of table 'PROJ_RECURSIVE' CDS-15020 Error: invalid Table reference ('EQUIPMENT_DESCRIPTION') all referring objects will not be captured CDS-15020 Error: invalid Table reference ('SERVICE_DESCRIPTION') all referring objects will not be captured Processing Complete: 8 error(s), 6 warning(s) ============================================================================== Error CDS-18010 Error: A Check Constraint and a Check Constraint with the same name 'CKC_EQUIP_ID_EQUIPMEN' have been asked to be created CDS-18025 Error: Table 'EQUIPMENT_DESCRIPTION' will not be created as Check Constraint 'CKC_EQUIP_ID_EQUIPMEN' is not created ------------------------------------------------------------ Action In create table EQUIPMENT_DESCRIPTION constraint CKC_EQUIP_ID_EQUIPMEN check (EQUIP_ID in ('Equipment Id1','Equipment Id2')), was deleted So it is now create table EQUIPMENT_DESCRIPTION ( EQUIP_DESC_LANGUAGE CHAR(2) not null, EQUIP_DESC_TRANS_TYPE CHAR(1) not null constraint CKC_EQUIP_DESC_TRANS__EQUIPMEN check ( EQUIP_DESC_TRANS_TYPE in ('Original','Human','Machine')), EQUIP_ID CHAR(32) not null, EQUIP_DESCRIPTION VARCHAR2(1024) null , constraint PK_EQUIPMENT_DESCRIPTION primary key (EQUIP_DESC_LANGUAGE, EQUIP_DESC_TRANS_TYPE, EQUIP_ID) ) ============================================================================== Error CDS-18010 Error: A Check Constraint and a Check Constraint with the same name 'CKC_SERVICE_TRANS_TYP_SERVICE_' have been asked to be created CDS-18025 Error: Table 'SERVICE_DESCRIPTION' will not be created as Check Constraint 'CKC_SERVICE_TRANS_TYP_SERVICE_' is not created ------------------------------------------------------------ Action In create table SERVICE_DESCRIPTION CKC_SERVICE_TRANS_TYP_SERVICE_ was changed on CKC_SERV_TR_TYP_SRV_D So it is now create table SERVICE_DESCRIPTION ( SERVICE_DERSC_LANGUAGE CHAR(2) not null, SERVICE_TRANS_TYPE2 CHAR(1) not null constraint CKC_SERV_TR_TYP_SRV_D check ( SERVICE_TRANS_TYPE2 in ('Original','Human','Machine')), SERVICE_ID CHAR(32) not null, SERVICE_DESCRIPTION VARCHAR2(1024) null , constraint PK_SERVICE_DESCRIPTION primary key (SERVICE_DERSC_LANGUAGE, SERVICE_TRANS_TYPE2, SERVICE_ID) ) ============================================================================== Warning CDS-15017 Warning: Column 'CV_ID' is inconsistent with foreign column 'CV_ID' - in foreign key 'FK_CV_MULTI_CV_MULTIM_CV' of table 'CV_MULTIMEDIA_TYPE' ------------------------------------------------------------ Action In create table CV_MULTIMEDIA_TYPE CV_ID CHAR(32) not null, was changed on CV_ID VARCHAR2(32) not null, So it is now create table CV_MULTIMEDIA_TYPE ( MULTIMEDIA_TYPE VARCHAR2(16) not null, CV_ID VARCHAR2(32) not null, constraint PK_CV_MULTIMEDIA_TYPE primary key (MULTIMEDIA_TYPE, CV_ID) ) ============================================================================== Warning CDS-15017 Warning: Column 'CV_ID' is inconsistent with foreign column 'CV_ID' - in foreign key 'FK_PERS_CV_PERS_CV2_CV' of table 'PERS_CV' ------------------------------------------------------------ Action In create table create table PERS_CV CV_ID CHAR(32) not null, was changed on CV_ID VARCHAR2(32) not null, So it is now create table PERS_CV ( CV_ID VARCHAR2(32) not null, PER_ID CHAR(32) not null, constraint PK_PERS_CV primary key (CV_ID, PER_ID) ) ============================================================================== Error CDS-15014 Error: invalid Table reference ('SERVICE_DESCRIPTION') in Foreign Key 'FK_SERVICE__SER_SER_D_SERVICE' ------------------------------------------------------------ Action This error is sequent of previous errors. After correcting of previous errors and regenartion of database, there is no this error ============================================================================== Warning CDS-15017 Warning: Column 'COUNTRY_CODE' is inconsistent with foreign column 'COUNTRY_CODE' - in foreign key 'FK_CONTACT_COUNTRY_C_COUNTRY' of table 'CONTACT' ------------------------------------------------------------ Action In create table CONTACT COUNTRY_CODE VARCHAR2(4) not null, was changed on COUNTRY_CODE CHAR(2) not null, So it is now create table CONTACT ( CON_ID CHAR(32) not null, COUNTRY_CODE CHAR(2) not null, REGION_CODE CHAR(10) not null, CON_ADDRLINE1 VARCHAR2(80) null , CON_ADDRLINE2 VARCHAR2(80) null , CON_ADDRLINE3 VARCHAR2(80) null , CON_ADDRLINE4 VARCHAR2(80) null , CON_ADDRLINE5 VARCHAR2(80) null , CON_CITY_TOWN VARCHAR2(32) not null, CON_PROVINCE_STATE VARCHAR2(32) null , CON_POSTAL_CODE VARCHAR2(16) not null, CON_TELEPHONE VARCHAR2(24) null , CON_FAX VARCHAR2(24) null , CON_EMAIL VARCHAR2(32) null , CON_URI VARCHAR2(512) null , constraint PK_CONTACT primary key (CON_ID) ) ============================================================================== Warning CDS-15017 Warning: Column 'PER_EQUIP_ROLE' is inconsistent with foreign column 'PER_EQUIP_ROLE' - in foreign key 'FK_PERS_EQU_REF_71467_PER_EQUI' of table 'PERS_EQUIP' ------------------------------------------------------------ Action in create table PER_EQUIP_ROLE PER_EQUIP_ROLE VARCHAR(16) not null, was changed on PER_EQUIP_ROLE VARCHAR2(16) not null, So it is now create table PER_EQUIP_ROLE ( PER_EQUIP_ROLE VARCHAR2(16) not null, PER_EQUIP_ROLE_FULL VARCHAR2(64) null constraint CKC_PER_EQUIP_ROLE_FU_PER_EQUI check ( PER_EQUIP_ROLE_FULL is null or (PER_EQUIP_ROLE_FULL in ('contact person','maintenance technician','operator/technician'))), constraint PK_PER_EQUIP_ROLE primary key (PER_EQUIP_ROLE) ) ============================================================================== Warning CDS-15017 Warning: Column 'PER_EVENT_ROLE' is inconsistent with foreign column 'PER_EVENT_ROLE' - in foreign key 'FK_PERS_EVE_REF_71473_PER_EVEN' of table 'PERS_EVENT' ------------------------------------------------------------ Action In create table PER_EVENT_ROLE PER_EVENT_ROLE VARCHAR(16) not null, was changed on PER_EVENT_ROLE VARCHAR2(16) not null, So it is now create table PER_EVENT_ROLE ( PER_EVENT_ROLE VARCHAR2(16) not null, PER_EVENT_ROLE_FULL VARCHAR2(64) null , constraint PK_PER_EVENT_ROLE primary key (PER_EVENT_ROLE) ) ============================================================================== Error CDS-15014 Error: invalid Table reference ('EQUIPMENT_DESCRIPTION') in Foreign Key 'FK_EQUIPMEN_EUIP_TRAN_PARTICUL' ------------------------------------------------------------ Action This error is sequent of previous errors. After correcting previos errors and regenation of database, there is no this error ============================================================================== Warning CDS-15017 Warning: Column 'PRO_PROJ_ID' is inconsistent with foreign column 'PROJ_ID' - in foreign key 'FK_PROJ_REC_RECURSIVE_PROJECT' of table 'PROJ_RECURSIVE' ------------------------------------------------------------ Action In create table PROJ_RECURSIVE PRO_PROJ_ID VARCHAR2(32) not null, was changed on PRO_PROJ_ID CHAR(32) not null, So it is now create table PROJ_RECURSIVE ( PROJ_ID CHAR(32) not null, PRO_PROJ_ID CHAR(32) not null, PROJ_PROJ_ROLE VARCHAR2(16) null constraint CKC_PROJ_PROJ_ROLE_PROJ_REC check (PROJ_PROJ_ROLE is null or (PROJ_PROJ_ROLE in ('Sub ','Parallel '))), PROJ_PROJ_START DATE null , PROJ_PORJ_END DATE null , constraint PK_PROJ_RECURSIVE primary key (PROJ_ID, PRO_PROJ_ID) ) ============================================================================== Error CDS-15020 Error: invalid Table reference ('EQUIPMENT_DESCRIPTION') all referring objects will not be captured ------------------------------------------------------------ Action This error is sequent of previous errors. After correcting previos errors and regenation of database, there is no this error ============================================================================== Error CDS-15020 Error: invalid Table reference ('SERVICE_DESCRIPTION') all referring objects will not be captured ------------------------------------------------------------ Action This error is sequent of previous errors. After correcting previos errors and regenation of database, there is no this error ============================================================================== Other errors some fields in CERIF (project_abstract and parent_abstract) have datatype varchar2(4096) but in Oracle ( VARCHAR2(size) Variable-length character string having maximum length size bytes. Maximum size is 4000, and minimum is 1. You must specify size for VARCHAR2 I changed their definition in varchar2(1024) So in create table PATENT_ABSTRACT instead of PATENT_ABSTRACT VARCHAR2(4096) null , there is PATENT_ABSTRACT VARCHAR2(1024) null , and in create table PROJECT_ABSTRACT instead of PROJ_ABSTRACT VARCHAR2(4096) null , there is PATENT_ABSTRACT VARCHAR2(1024) null ,