Ontology Container Information
- Title:
- "Ontology for Common European Research Information Format"
- Creator:
- "Andrei S. Lopatenko"
- Description:
- "The ontology for research data according to CERIF schema
This ontology intended to serve CERIF compatible databases
The main purposition is development of Semantic Web solution
The AURIS-MM CERIF RDF Schema is based on the ontology
- Release:
- "1.0"
- Classes:
- 77
- Slots:
- 196
- Individuals:
- 0
- Axioms:
- 3
Academic_Title Add.Name CV Classification Conference Consultant_in_project Contact Cultural Event Enterprise Evaluator_in_project Event Event_Description Event_Name Exhibition Expertise_Skill Expertise_Skill_Description Expertise_Skills_Name Higher Education Establishment Human International organization Join research center Multimedia_type Non-research private non-profit Non-research public sector OrgUnit OrgUnit-Research-Activity OrgUnit-Research-Interest OrgUnit-Result-Publication Org_contact Orgunit_name Orgunit_relation Orgunit_type Patent_status Patent_type Person PersonPublication Person_Event Person_Exp_Skill Person_contact Person_product Political Event Private Research Center Private non-profit research center Product_type Proj_classification Proj_orgunit Proj_orgunit_role Proj_per_role Proj_proj_role Proj_recursive Project Project-abstract Project-keyword Project-title ProjectParticipator Project_Status Project_person Project_publication Project_publication_role PubTitle Public research center Publication Publication_translation Publication_type Qualification Referee_in_project Research_Interest Result_patent Result_product Result_publication Reviewer_in_project Service Service_description Service_name Sport event Trade fair Workshop
academic_title_title academic_title_title_full addit.name classification_cla_class classification_cla_class_code classification_class classification_class_code classification_url con_addrline1 con_addrline2 con_city_town con_country_code con_email con_fax con_id con_postal_zone con_province_state con_region_code con_telephone con_uri cv_id cv_uri ev_desc_description ev_desc_language ev_desc_trans_type ev_name_language ev_name_name ev_name_trans_type event_description event_end_date event_ev_name event_fee_or_free event_id event_location event_start_date event_type event_url exp_sk_desc_description exp_sk_desc_language exp_sk_desc_trans_type exp_sk_n_language exp_sk_n_name exp_sk_n_trans_type exp_skill_descriptions exp_skill_id exp_skill_names language mm_type_format mm_type_type mm_type_type_full org_acronym org_contact_con_id org_contact_end org_contact_role org_contact_start org_has_part org_headcount org_id org_part_of org_prize_award org_turnover org_turnover_curr org_url orgunit_contact orgunit_name orgunit_name_language orgunit_name_name orgunit_name_trans_type orgunit_rel_orgunit1 orgunit_rel_orgunit2 orgunit_rel_role orgunit_type_type orgunit_type_type_full orgunit_types patent_approval_date patent_id patent_number patent_regdate patent_status patent_status_status patent_status_status_full patent_type patent_type_type patent_type_type_full patent_uri per_ev_event per_ev_person per_ev_role per_exp_skill_exp_skill per_exp_skill_person per_firstnames per_id per_lastnames per_othernames per_prize_awards per_prod_availability per_prod_conditions per_prod_currency per_prod_ipr per_prod_person per_prod_price per_prod_product per_prod_role per_projects per_res_int_keywords per_res_int_language per_res_int_trans_type per_services per_sex per_uri pers_con_contact pers_con_end pers_con_role pers_con_start pers_contact person_academic_titles person_qualifications person_research_interest prod_id prod_int_id prod_prod_uri prod_type prod_type_type prod_type_type_full proj-abstract proj_abs_language proj_abs_trans_type proj_class_class proj_class_code proj_class_proj_id proj_classification proj_end_date proj_id proj_orgunit_orgunitid proj_orgunit_po_end proj_orgunit_po_role proj_orgunit_po_start proj_orgunit_proj_id proj_orgunit_role proj_orgunit_role_full proj_per_end proj_per_role proj_per_start proj_per_type_full proj_pers_person proj_pers_project proj_pers_role proj_prize_award proj_proj_role proj_proj_role_full proj_pub_publication proj_pub_role proj_pub_role_full proj_pub_role_role proj_rec_pro_projid proj_rec_proj_proj_end proj_rec_proj_proj_role proj_rec_proj_proj_start proj_rec_projid proj_start_date proj_status proj_title proj_title_language proj_title_trans_type proj_url project-abstracts project-keywords project_orgunit project_persons project_status project_status_name project_titles pub_date pub_id pub_pubtranslations pub_reference pub_transl_language pub_transl_title pub_transl_trans_type pub_type pub_uri publ_type publ_type_full qualification qualification_full serv_desc_desciption serv_desc_language serv_desc_trans_type serv_name_language serv_name_name serv_name_trans_type serv_names service_descriptions service_id service_uri translation_type Individuals
- type:
- primitive
- constraints:
slot-constraint academic_title_title has-value top
slot-constraint academic_title_title_full has-value top
- used in classes:
- Person
- type:
- primitive
- known subclasses:
- used in classes:
- Event_Name
class CV
- type:
- primitive
- constraints:
slot-constraint cv_uri has-value top
slot-constraint cv_id has-value top
- type:
- primitive
- constraints:
slot-constraint classification_cla_class has-value top
slot-constraint classification_cla_class_code has-value top
slot-constraint classification_class has-value top
slot-constraint classification_class_code has-value top
slot-constraint classification_url has-value top
- used in classes:
- Proj_classification
- type:
- primitive
- superclasses:
- type:
- defined
- superclasses:
- constraints:
slot-constraint per_projects has-value (Project_person and (slot-constraint proj_pers_role value-type top))
- axioms:
- equivalent ProjectParticipator (Consultant_in_project and Evaluator_in_project and Referee_in_project and Reviewer_in_project)
- type:
- primitive
- constraints:
slot-constraint con_addrline1 has-value top
slot-constraint con_addrline2 has-value top
slot-constraint con_country_code has-value top
slot-constraint con_city_town has-value top
slot-constraint con_email has-value top
slot-constraint con_province_state has-value top
slot-constraint con_id has-value top
slot-constraint con_fax has-value top
slot-constraint con_postal_zone has-value top
slot-constraint con_region_code has-value top
slot-constraint con_uri has-value top
- used in classes:
- Org_contact
- type:
- primitive
- superclasses:
- type:
- primitive
- superclasses:
- type:
- primitive
- superclasses:
- constraints:
slot-constraint per_projects has-value (Project_person and (slot-constraint proj_pers_role value-type top))
- axioms:
- equivalent ProjectParticipator (Consultant_in_project and Evaluator_in_project and Referee_in_project and Reviewer_in_project)
- type:
- primitive
- constraints:
slot-constraint event_id has-value top
slot-constraint event_type has-value top
slot-constraint event_end_date has-value top
slot-constraint event_location has-value top
slot-constraint event_fee_or_free has-value top
slot-constraint event_start_date has-value top
slot-constraint event_url has-value top
slot-constraint event_ev_name min-cardinality 0 Event_Name
slot-constraint event_description min-cardinality 0 Event_Description
- known subclasses:
Cultural Event
Political Event
Sport event
Trade fair
- used in classes:
- Conference
Cultural Event
Political Event
Sport event
Trade fair
- type:
- primitive
- constraints:
slot-constraint ev_desc_description has-value top
slot-constraint ev_desc_language has-value top
slot-constraint ev_desc_trans_type has-value top
- used in classes:
- Event
- type:
- primitive
- superclasses:
- constraints:
slot-constraint ev_name_name has-value top
slot-constraint ev_name_trans_type has-value top
slot-constraint ev_name_language has-value top
- used in classes:
- Event
- type:
- primitive
- superclasses:
- type:
- primitive
- constraints:
slot-constraint exp_skill_id has-value top
slot-constraint exp_skill_names min-cardinality 0 Expertise_Skills_Name
slot-constraint exp_skill_descriptions min-cardinality 0 Expertise_Skill_Description
- used in classes:
- Person_Exp_Skill
- type:
- primitive
- constraints:
slot-constraint exp_sk_desc_description has-value top
slot-constraint exp_sk_desc_language has-value top
slot-constraint exp_sk_n_trans_type has-value top
- used in classes:
- Expertise_Skill
- type:
- primitive
- constraints:
slot-constraint exp_sk_n_language has-value top
slot-constraint exp_sk_n_name has-value top
slot-constraint exp_sk_n_trans_type has-value top
- used in classes:
- Expertise_Skill
- type:
- primitive
- superclasses:
- type:
- primitive
- axioms:
- equivalent Human Person
- type:
- primitive
- superclasses:
- type:
- primitive
- superclasses:
- type:
- primitive
- constraints:
slot-constraint mm_type_format has-value top
slot-constraint mm_type_type has-value top
slot-constraint mm_type_type_full has-value top
- type:
- primitive
- superclasses:
- type:
- primitive
- superclasses:
- type:
- primitive
- constraints:
slot-constraint org_id value-type top
slot-constraint org_turnover_curr has-value top
slot-constraint org_prize_award has-value top
slot-constraint org_turnover has-value top
slot-constraint project_orgunit min-cardinality 0 Proj_orgunit
slot-constraint org_headcount has-value top
slot-constraint org_url has-value top
slot-constraint orgunit_name value-type Orgunit_name
slot-constraint org_part_of has-value OrgUnit
slot-constraint orgunit_types min-cardinality 0 Orgunit_type
slot-constraint orgunit_contact min-cardinality 0 Org_contact
slot-constraint org_acronym has-value top
- known subclasses:
Higher Education Establishment
International organization
Join research center
Non-research private non-profit
Non-research public sector
Private Research Center
Private non-profit research center
Public research center
- used in classes:
- Enterprise
Higher Education Establishment
International organization
Join research center
Non-research private non-profit
Non-research public sector
Private Research Center
Private non-profit research center
Public research center
- used in slots:
- orgunit_name
- axioms:
- disjoint Person Project Publication OrgUnit
- type:
- primitive
- type:
- primitive
- type:
- primitive
- type:
- primitive
- constraints:
slot-constraint org_contact_end has-value top
slot-constraint org_contact_end has-value top
slot-constraint org_contact_role has-value top
slot-constraint org_contact_con_id has-value Contact
- used in classes:
- OrgUnit
- type:
- primitive
- constraints:
slot-constraint orgunit_name_trans_type has-value top
slot-constraint orgunit_name_name has-value top
slot-constraint orgunit_name_language has-value top
- used in classes:
- OrgUnit
- used in slots:
- orgunit_name
- type:
- primitive
- constraints:
slot-constraint orgunit_rel_role has-value top
slot-constraint orgunit_rel_orgunit2 value-type OrgUnit
slot-constraint orgunit_rel_orgunit1 value-type OrgUnit
- type:
- primitive
- constraints:
slot-constraint orgunit_type_type has-value top
slot-constraint orgunit_type_type_full has-value top
- used in classes:
- OrgUnit
- type:
- primitive
- constraints:
slot-constraint patent_status_status_full value-type top
slot-constraint patent_status_status value-type top
- used in classes:
- Result_patent
- type:
- primitive
- constraints:
slot-constraint patent_type_type_full value-type top
slot-constraint patent_type_type value-type top
- used in classes:
- Result_patent
- type:
- primitive
- constraints:
slot-constraint per_uri has-value top
slot-constraint person_qualifications value-type Qualification
slot-constraint per_firstnames value-type top
slot-constraint pers_contact min-cardinality 0 Person_contact
slot-constraint per_lastnames value-type top
slot-constraint per_othernames has-value top
slot-constraint per_projects min-cardinality 0 Project_person
slot-constraint per_sex has-value top
slot-constraint person_academic_titles value-type Academic_Title
slot-constraint person_research_interest value-type Research_Interest
slot-constraint per_prize_awards has-value top
slot-constraint per_id value-type top
slot-constraint per_services min-cardinality 0 Service
- known subclasses:
- used in classes:
- Consultant_in_project
- axioms:
- disjoint Person Project Publication OrgUnit
equivalent Human Person
- type:
- primitive
- type:
- primitive
- constraints:
slot-constraint per_ev_role has-value top
slot-constraint per_ev_event value-type Event
slot-constraint per_ev_person value-type Person
- type:
- primitive
- constraints:
slot-constraint per_exp_skill_person has-value Person
slot-constraint per_exp_skill_exp_skill has-value Expertise_Skill
- type:
- primitive
- constraints:
slot-constraint pers_con_contact has-value Contact
slot-constraint pers_con_end has-value top
slot-constraint pers_con_start has-value top
slot-constraint pers_con_role has-value top
- used in classes:
- Person
- type:
- primitive
- constraints:
slot-constraint per_prod_role has-value top
slot-constraint per_prod_price has-value top
slot-constraint per_prod_ipr has-value top
slot-constraint per_prod_currency has-value top
slot-constraint per_prod_conditions has-value top
slot-constraint per_prod_availability has-value top
slot-constraint per_prod_product value-type Result_product
slot-constraint per_prod_person value-type Person
- type:
- primitive
- superclasses:
- type:
- primitive
- superclasses:
- type:
- primitive
- superclasses:
- type:
- primitive
- constraints:
slot-constraint prod_type_type_full value-type top
slot-constraint prod_type_type value-type top
- used in classes:
- Result_product
- type:
- primitive
- constraints:
slot-constraint proj_class_class has-value top
slot-constraint proj_class_proj_id has-value Project
slot-constraint proj_class_code has-value Classification
- used in classes:
- Project
- type:
- primitive
- constraints:
slot-constraint proj_orgunit_proj_id value-type Project
slot-constraint proj_orgunit_po_role has-value Proj_orgunit_role
slot-constraint proj_orgunit_orgunitid value-type OrgUnit
slot-constraint proj_orgunit_po_end has-value top
slot-constraint proj_orgunit_po_end has-value top
- used in classes:
- OrgUnit
- type:
- primitive
- constraints:
slot-constraint proj_orgunit_role value-type top
slot-constraint proj_orgunit_role_full value-type top
- used in classes:
- Proj_orgunit
- type:
- primitive
- constraints:
slot-constraint proj_per_role value-type top
slot-constraint proj_per_type_full value-type top
- used in classes:
- Project_person
- type:
- primitive
- constraints:
slot-constraint proj_proj_role has-value top
slot-constraint proj_proj_role_full has-value top
- used in classes:
- Proj_recursive
- type:
- primitive
- constraints:
slot-constraint proj_rec_pro_projid has-value Project
slot-constraint proj_rec_proj_proj_end has-value top
slot-constraint proj_rec_proj_proj_start has-value top
slot-constraint proj_rec_proj_proj_role has-value Proj_proj_role
slot-constraint proj_rec_proj_proj_end has-value Project
- type:
- primitive
- constraints:
slot-constraint proj_status value-type Project_Status
slot-constraint proj_id has-value top
slot-constraint proj_url has-value top
slot-constraint proj_start_date has-value top
slot-constraint proj_end_date has-value top
slot-constraint project-abstracts min-cardinality 0 Project-abstract
slot-constraint proj_prize_award has-value top
slot-constraint project_titles min-cardinality 0 Project-title
slot-constraint project_persons min-cardinality 0 Project_person
slot-constraint project-keywords min-cardinality 0 Project-keyword
slot-constraint project_orgunit min-cardinality 0 Proj_orgunit
slot-constraint proj_classification min-cardinality 0 Proj_classification
- used in classes:
- Proj_classification
- used in slots:
- proj_pers_project
- axioms:
- disjoint Person Project Publication OrgUnit
- type:
- primitive
- constraints:
slot-constraint proj_abs_trans_type value-type top
slot-constraint proj-abstract value-type top
slot-constraint proj_abs_language value-type top
- used in classes:
- Project
- type:
- primitive
- used in classes:
- Project
- type:
- primitive
- constraints:
slot-constraint proj_title value-type top
slot-constraint proj_title_language value-type top
slot-constraint proj_title_trans_type value-type top
- used in classes:
- Project
- type:
- primitive
- superclasses:
- axioms:
- equivalent ProjectParticipator (Consultant_in_project and Evaluator_in_project and Referee_in_project and Reviewer_in_project)
- documentation:
- The status of the project
Is it acepted, executed, stalled
- type:
- primitive
- constraints:
slot-constraint project_status_name value-type top
slot-constraint project_status value-type top
- used in classes:
- Project
- used in slots:
- proj_status
- documentation:
- Class describing participation person in projects
- type:
- primitive
- constraints:
slot-constraint proj_per_start has-value top
slot-constraint proj_per_end has-value top
slot-constraint proj_pers_person value-type Person
slot-constraint proj_pers_role has-value Proj_per_role
slot-constraint proj_pers_project value-type Project
- used in classes:
- Consultant_in_project
- used in slots:
- per_projects
- type:
- primitive
- constraints:
slot-constraint proj_pub_role has-value Project_publication_role
slot-constraint proj_pub_publication has-value Publication
- type:
- primitive
- constraints:
slot-constraint proj_pub_role_role has-value top
slot-constraint proj_pub_role_full has-value top
- used in classes:
- Project_publication
- type:
- primitive
- type:
- primitive
- superclasses:
- type:
- primitive
- used in classes:
- Project_publication
- axioms:
- disjoint Person Project Publication OrgUnit
- type:
- primitive
- constraints:
slot-constraint pub_transl_trans_type has-value top
slot-constraint pub_transl_language has-value top
slot-constraint pub_transl_title has-value top
- used in classes:
- Result_publication
- type:
- primitive
- constraints:
slot-constraint publ_type has-value top
slot-constraint publ_type_full has-value top
- used in classes:
- Result_publication
- type:
- primitive
- constraints:
slot-constraint qualification_full has-value top
slot-constraint qualification has-value top
- used in classes:
- Person
- type:
- primitive
- superclasses:
- constraints:
slot-constraint per_projects has-value (Project_person and (slot-constraint proj_pers_role has-value top))
- axioms:
- equivalent ProjectParticipator (Consultant_in_project and Evaluator_in_project and Referee_in_project and Reviewer_in_project)
- type:
- primitive
- constraints:
slot-constraint per_res_int_keywords has-value top
slot-constraint per_res_int_trans_type has-value top
slot-constraint per_res_int_language has-value top
- used in classes:
- Person
- type:
- primitive
- constraints:
slot-constraint patent_status min-cardinality 0 Patent_status
slot-constraint patent_type min-cardinality 1 Patent_type
slot-constraint patent_uri has-value top
slot-constraint patent_regdate has-value top
slot-constraint patent_number has-value top
slot-constraint patent_id value-type top
slot-constraint patent_approval_date has-value top
- type:
- primitive
- constraints:
slot-constraint prod_id value-type top
slot-constraint prod_type has-value Product_type
slot-constraint prod_prod_uri has-value top
slot-constraint prod_int_id has-value top
- used in classes:
- Person_product
- type:
- primitive
- constraints:
slot-constraint pub_type has-value Publication_type
slot-constraint pub_pubtranslations min-cardinality 0 Publication_translation
slot-constraint pub_date has-value top
slot-constraint pub_id value-type top
slot-constraint pub_reference value-type top
slot-constraint pub_uri has-value top
- type:
- defined
- superclasses:
- constraints:
slot-constraint per_projects has-value (Project_person and (slot-constraint proj_pers_role value-type top))
- axioms:
- equivalent ProjectParticipator (Consultant_in_project and Evaluator_in_project and Referee_in_project and Reviewer_in_project)
- type:
- primitive
- constraints:
slot-constraint service_id has-value top
slot-constraint service_uri has-value top
slot-constraint serv_names min-cardinality 0 Service_name
slot-constraint service_descriptions min-cardinality 0 Service_description
- used in classes:
- Person
- type:
- primitive
- constraints:
slot-constraint serv_desc_trans_type has-value top
slot-constraint serv_desc_desciption has-value top
slot-constraint serv_desc_language has-value top
- used in classes:
- Service
- type:
- primitive
- superclasses:
- constraints:
slot-constraint serv_name_language has-value top
slot-constraint serv_name_name has-value top
slot-constraint serv_name_trans_type has-value top
- used in classes:
- Service
- type:
- primitive
- superclasses:
- type:
- primitive
- superclasses:
- type:
- primitive
- superclasses:
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Academic_Title
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Academic_Title
- documentation:
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Classification
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Classification
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Classification
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Classification
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Classification
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Contact
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Contact
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Contact
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Contact
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Contact
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Contact
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Contact
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Contact
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Contact
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Contact
- documentation:
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Contact
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- CV
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- CV
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Event_Description
- documentation:
- superslots:
- used in classes:
- Event_Description
- documentation:
- superslots:
- used in classes:
- Event_Description
- documentation:
- superslots:
- used in classes:
- Event_Name
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Event_Name
- documentation:
- superslots:
- used in classes:
- Event_Name
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Event
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Event
- documentation:
- superslots:
- used in classes:
- Event
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Event
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Event
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Event
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Event
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Event
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Event
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Expertise_Skill_Description
- documentation:
- superslots:
- used in classes:
- Expertise_Skill_Description
- documentation:
- superslots:
- documentation:
- superslots:
- used in classes:
- Expertise_Skills_Name
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Expertise_Skills_Name
- documentation:
- superslots:
- used in classes:
- Expertise_Skill_Description
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Expertise_Skill
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Expertise_Skill
- documentation:
- superslots:
- used in classes:
- Expertise_Skill
- documentation:
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Multimedia_type
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Multimedia_type
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Multimedia_type
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- OrgUnit
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Org_contact
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Org_contact
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Org_contact
- documentation:
- documentation:
- inverses:
- properties:
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- OrgUnit
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- OrgUnit
- documentation:
- properties:
- used in classes:
- OrgUnit
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- OrgUnit
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- OrgUnit
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- OrgUnit
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- OrgUnit
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- OrgUnit
- documentation:
- superslots:
- domain:
- range:
- used in classes:
- OrgUnit
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Orgunit_name
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Orgunit_name
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Orgunit_name
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Orgunit_relation
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Orgunit_relation
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Orgunit_relation
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Orgunit_type
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Orgunit_type
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- OrgUnit
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Result_patent
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Result_patent
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Result_patent
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Result_patent
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Result_patent
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Patent_status
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Patent_status
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Result_patent
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Patent_type
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Patent_type
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Result_patent
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Person_Event
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Person_Event
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Person_Event
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Person_Exp_Skill
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Person_Exp_Skill
- documentation:
- superslots:
- used in classes:
- Person
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Person
- documentation:
- superslots:
- used in classes:
- Person
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Person
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Person
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Person_product
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Person_product
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Person_product
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Person_product
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Person_product
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Person_product
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Person_product
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Person_product
- documentation:
- range:
- used in classes:
- Consultant_in_project
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Research_Interest
- documentation:
- superslots:
- used in classes:
- Research_Interest
- documentation:
- superslots:
- used in classes:
- Research_Interest
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Person
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Person
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Person
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Person_contact
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Person_contact
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Person_contact
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Person_contact
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Person
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Person
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Person
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Person
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Result_product
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Result_product
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Result_product
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Result_product
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Product_type
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Product_type
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Project-abstract
- documentation:
- superslots:
- used in classes:
- Project-abstract
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Project-abstract
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Proj_classification
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Proj_classification
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Proj_classification
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Project
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Project
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Project
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Proj_orgunit
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Proj_orgunit
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Proj_orgunit
- documentation:
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Proj_orgunit
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Proj_orgunit_role
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Proj_orgunit_role
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Project_person
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Proj_per_role
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Project_person
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Proj_per_role
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Project_person
- documentation:
- range:
- used in classes:
- Project_person
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Consultant_in_project
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Project
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Proj_proj_role
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Proj_proj_role
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Project_publication
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Project_publication
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Project_publication_role
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Project_publication_role
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Proj_recursive
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Proj_recursive
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Proj_recursive
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Proj_recursive
- documentation:
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Project
- documentation:
- range:
- used in classes:
- Project
- documentation:
- superslots:
- used in classes:
- Project-title
- documentation:
- superslots:
- used in classes:
- Project-title
- documentation:
- superslots:
- used in classes:
- Project-title
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Project
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Project
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Project
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- OrgUnit
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Project
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Project_Status
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Project_Status
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Project
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Result_publication
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Result_publication
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Result_publication
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Result_publication
- documentation:
- superslots:
- used in classes:
- Publication_translation
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Publication_translation
- documentation:
- superslots:
- used in classes:
- Publication_translation
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Result_publication
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Result_publication
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Publication_type
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Publication_type
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Qualification
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Qualification
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Service_description
- documentation:
- superslots:
- used in classes:
- Service_description
- documentation:
- superslots:
- used in classes:
- Service_description
- documentation:
- superslots:
- used in classes:
- Service_name
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Service_name
- documentation:
- superslots:
- used in classes:
- Service_name
- documentation:
- superslots:
- used in classes:
- Service
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Service
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Service
- documentation:
- used in classes:
- Service
- documentation:
disjoint Person Project Publication OrgUnit
equivalent Human Person
equivalent ProjectParticipator (Consultant_in_project and Evaluator_in_project and Referee_in_project and Reviewer_in_project)
Documentation generated: Wed Aug 01 01:00:20 GMT+02:00 2001
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